Abstract Instructions


  • The title must be capitalized and written in full words.
  • The title should be concise, not exceeding 25 words.
  • The body must adhere to a maximum word count of 250 words (excluding title and author).
  • Ensure that no more than 8 keywords are included.
  • Avoid using symbols such as ampersands (&).
  • The abstract must use metric units
  • Do not include illustrations, figures, or photos in the abstracts.

General Information

  • Even when you register for the presentation style you choose (oral or poster), your abstracts will still be examined, chosen,
    and suggested for the appropriate session and presentation type, which may differ from your initial registration.
  • You will receive a confirmation regarding your abstract and session from May 1 to May 31, 2024.
  • Please submit your full abstract as a Microsoft file with the extension .doc or .docx via the registration system on our webpage.

Oral Presentation Instructions

· Each session room will provide a laptop, screen, projector, and hand-held microphone.
· All session rooms feature standard (16:9) sized screens.
· Please prepare PowerPoint slides in 16:9 aspect ratio for optimum visibility. The file should be in PPT or PDF format.
· Ensure your presentation’s title and authors exactly match those in your submitted abstract.
· If your presentation includes videos, please bring the source file. and inform us in advance.
· Please send the final revised version of your presentation by replying to secretariat email no later than June 30th. Additionally, please arrive at the on-site preview room at one day before your presentation time to check the presentation materials.

* Oral session  – Speakers in the symposium’s oral sessions will have a total of 15 minutes, including 3 minutes for questions and answers. Please adhere strictly to the presentation time.

Poster Presentation Instructions

  • Posters must be vertical and no larger than 90cm wide x 120cm high.
  • Please attach posters on site between 8:00 – 9:00 am and 12:30 – 13:30 on July 2nd (Tuesday). On-site staff will assist you in the poster exhibition room. Posters will be posted during the conference and poster presentation will be at 5:30 pm on July 3rd.
  • Use the provided double-sided tape to fasten posters to the poster wall.
  • Ensure your poster’s title and authors correspond with your submitted abstract.
  • Text and images (figures, tables, charts, etc.) should be legible from a distance of two meters.
  • Please attach your poster according to the assigned poster number.