Abstract Guidelines

  • Use ONLY the provided abstract template for your submission.
  • Refer to the “Presentation Guidelines”
  • An abstract can be submitted for either oral or poster presentation.
    After review, your abstract may be assigned to a different session or presentation type than initially selected.
  • Accepted abstracts will be included in the “Book of Abstracts”, available in soft copy (PDF format) and in hard copy.

How to submit an abstract

  • Download the  Abstract Template (.docx).
  • Abstracts must be submitted online through your account on our website.
  • Fill in the abstract details, including title, authors, affiliation, and content, which can be copied from Microsoft Word or other typesetting files.
  • Complete the required information (abstract title, presentation type, session selection) and click “File attachment.”
  • Upload and verify your abstract.
  • Each account can submit only one abstract, and one registration fee covers one presentation.